The False “Church System” Deception (Video)

The False “Church System” Deception Video by Servus Christi

GNN Note – I want to be 100% clear about this – I did not produce this material. This is presented to open up a dialogue, if with no one else but yourself and Jesus Christ, that’s okay. As I have stated before this project is new to me and I am attempting to learn as I go. If you don’t agree with the video below, that’s okay, but don’t allow it to be a determining factor on wether you continue to visit this website or not. If we don’t challenge ourselves are we being good members of the body of Christ? If our brains are not given a good workout, just like we do with the rest of our body in the gym, are we being good members of the body of Christ?


This video is an attempt to highlight “the church system” or “show” that has become “church.” There is much more to be said on the topic historically and in general, and I intend to go more in depth in future videos. For now, I attempted to draw attention to the systematized business that “church” has become. Paid “staff” members, elevated stages in ornate buildings and cathedrals. This “system” is not new, and therefore all the more ingrained as necessary and correct. This all began around the time of Constantine, so we are, in effect, questioning 2000 years of a false system. Doctrine is one thing, Practice is quite another. I can have correct beliefs without correct practice;”even the demons believe.” I hope this is of some help and encouragement. If anything was not clear leave a comment and I will attempt to cover it in a future video.

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